A pleat for all seasons

The pleated skirt is everywhere this year, providing a great transition from spring to summer. And after experimenting with a few I’ve come to realise that pleats can look great all year round.


I’ve previously shied away from pleats, as they’re not always the most flattering of styles for my figure. But after a bit of experimenting I’ve discovered that by choosing the right kind of pleat to suit my shape they can be the perfect feminine and flirty outfit, whatever the season.


Pleated skirts are really easy to wear, and can also feel really liberating and ‘free’.

If you’re not much of a skirt-wearer like me, then I would urge you to ditch your jeans and trousers and go try out a pleat.


My top tip: try out a slightly larger size than normal – this will allow the pleats to fall naturally and loose. There’s nothing worse than a stretched and puckered pleat that accentuates – rather than conceals – any of curvy bits!


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