Category Clothes

Fun and feminine pussybow blouses

Looking for a hint of spring in your wardrobe? Layering jumpers over button-up shirts is my favourite outfit for winter, but I don’t know about you – I’m feeling like Spring can’t be too far away (can it?!) and am looking to shed a layer or two. Cue my new favourite look – the pussybow […]

Shift into Autumn

After a beautiful summer it seems that Autumn has suddenly arrived, with a definite chill in the air, dewy mornings, and night times quickly creeping in. If you’re not quite ready for the winter wardrobe just yet, stay cosy with a soft, silky scarf – deceivingly warm and easy to tuck away in a handbag […]

Next Generation Vintage

One thing that I am loving to see as my eldest grows up is her increasing interest and eye for fashion – and I’m pleased to say she’s also a vintage girl! She has spent a lot of her childhood being dragged around charity and antiques shops, so I guess it’s no surprise that she […]

A pleat for all seasons

The pleated skirt is everywhere this year, providing a great transition from spring to summer. And after experimenting with a few I’ve come to realise that pleats can look great all year round. Spring I’ve previously shied away from pleats, as they’re not always the most flattering of styles for my figure. But after a bit of […]

Trying out #TheStyleProject

I love Instagram, but am really slack with it. Caught up in the everyday chaos of family life I find myself forgetting all about it for days at a time, then rediscover it and have a sudden splurge again. Which is why I thought taking part in #TheStyleProject would be good for me. Not only […]

Open for business!

After months of deliberating and planning, my little online vintage shop is now open for business! Now I can share my love of vintage and retro with others – selling some of the items I’ve collected over the years so somebody else can take pleasure in them, and giving a new lease of life to […]