Category Shopping

Next Generation Vintage

One thing that I am loving to see as my eldest grows up is her increasing interest and eye for fashion – and I’m pleased to say she’s also a vintage girl! She has spent a lot of her childhood being dragged around charity and antiques shops, so I guess it’s no surprise that she […]

A pleat for all seasons

The pleated skirt is everywhere this year, providing a great transition from spring to summer. And after experimenting with a few I’ve come to realise that pleats can look great all year round. Spring I’ve previously shied away from pleats, as they’re not always the most flattering of styles for my figure. But after a bit of […]

Richard Booth Bookshop

All Hail ‘Hay’

Every year the hubby and I spend a child-free weekend away to celebrate both our birthdays and our anniversary. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in another country, another city or just a hotel down the road – having some time on our own, doing the things we love (usually drinking and eating!) is what matters. […]

Treasure hunting

Last weekend I spent a day doing my favourite thing – browsing the local charity shops for some bargains. As usual, it was an outing with my mum (who taught me all about the patience of trawling the rails, and shares the excitement that comes as a result of bagging a bargain) and this time my […]